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Ryerson loses coveted spot at uni fair

By Anne-Marie Vettorel

Ryerson has lost a prime piece of real-estate at the Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF).

For 12 years, Ryerson’s OUF booth was in a coveted location, right next to the fair’s entrance. This year, for the first time since the fair opened, the 200 footlong booth was moved to the back wall.

“I was not very pleased with it initially and I wanted to fight it a lot more,” said president Sheldon Levy, who was at the fair this weekend.

The OUF sees shifts in floor plans from year to year, Ryerson has just been lucky enough to have a preferred spot, Charmaine Hack, director of undergraduate admissions, said in an email.

With the fair’s increased popularity space needed to be made for another fire exit.

“We’re happy with the location we’ve had for a number of years, but we had to figure out new options,” said Keith Alnwick, the university registrar.

Despite a less than ideal location, many university hopefuls are still seeking out Ryerson. Josie Carolli, whose son is in Grade 12, consulted a floor map to find the back-wall booth.

“My son is interested in the school, so we looked specifically for Ryerson in the fair,” she said.

Ultimately, Ryerson’s booth’s location didn’t detract from its popularity. On Friday, staff and volunteers handed out 21,000 admissions handbooks, a figure that’s up from last year’s 20,000.

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