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Going, going, gone: February 15, 1995

By Michael Onesi

The treasurer of the Ryerson Vietnamese Student Association was expelled and the group put on a year’s probation by the RSU board of directors last Thursday after submitting false expense receipts.

Mai Cao spoke to the board, asking her group be taken off probation. “We did nothing wrong…(the receipts) were an honest mistake and we ask you to understand this,” she said.

Despite her appeal, some board members had problems understanding Cao’s english. After the speech, board member Shane Warcop asked if an interpreter could be brought in. Cao tried to have a friend interpret but they didn’t show.

“The receipts were blatantly fraudulent,” said Ben Sinclair, member of RSU’s Students Group Committee. “We were quite insulted.” When the board asked if the receipts could have been an honest mistake, Sinclair responded sternly: “It wasn’t.”

Mai Cao and group president Paul Vu, who resigned when confronted by the RSU, submitted claims of $180 and $300 for the group’s cultural caravan. and a dinner for group members.

The questionable receipts included a car light bulb, a basket, a lighter and Kraft dinner. Some of the food claimed was bought in July and August, months before the events.

Cao hadn’t spoken to RSU before the Board of Directors meeting, despite efforts on both sides to contact each other. Cao, who said her classes and home work take up most of her free time, stopped by RSU twice but no one was around to talk to her. Juanita Dickson, RSU V-P Administration, said calls were made to Cao’s house and Cao never showed up for a meeting attended by other RSU executives.

After the meeting, Cao justified some of the questionable receipts. She claims the food bought in July and August was on sale. The food was frozen until the caravan and dinner on Sept. 22 and Nov. 15. The car light bulb was a replacement for the car that was used to drive the food to the sites. Furthermore, a lighter was bought for members who like to smoke and batters were used for a flashlight for an outdoor party.

According to RSU by-laws, even if the receipts are legitimate, the group cannot be reimbursed because their submissions were filed after the events took place.

The Vietnamese student union has been put on probation for one year. The group must hold all meetings on campus and grant applications will not be accepted by the RSU.

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