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Midnight madness at Rye’s computer labs

Ryerson students will soon join other university insomniacs and have their own all-night computer joint. West Kerr Hall computer labs W71, W71B and W71C will be open 24 hours on specific days starting Sept. 23, said Richard Shuller, a computer lab advisor.

Pressure to open a 24 hour lab has come from Ryerson’s students last year. It took several meetings over last year for the administration to give the go-ahead. While the closing times of the three computer labs vary, presently the W71 labs, located on West Kerr Hall’s lower level, closes at midnight. 

Procrastinators and insomniacs are not the only ones pleased with the new extended hours. “It’s not really true that everyone has computers,” Schuller said. “Quite a lot of students come to the lab after 10 p.m. because they’re coming from work or have to commute from places like Mississauga. I think it will help a lot of people.”

Vince Crupi, a first-year industrial engineering student, is one person who plans to take advantage of all-night computer access. He says the school computers are more related to his program than the obsolete Commodore at his home. Having to come all the way from Pickering, there isn’t enough time for him to go home and back before the lab closes for the night. 

Gary Atkinson, a third-year business student, thinks he’ll take advantage of the new hours, noting one dubious benefit. “When I’m suffering from insomnia, I can do my homework,” he says.

However, not everyone is sold on the new around the clock access.

Ryerson student Ginette Duke doesn’t think she’ll use the service. She scoffs at the idea of being at school into the wee hours of the morning, working on assignments. She thinks the new hours will benefit “more students in residence” than commuters.

Karen Craig, Ryerson’s security manager, says students should be cautious when using the lab so late, regardless if they live in residence or not.

“Everyone who comes into campus must check in with security at Jorgenson Hall,” she says. “But there can be potential trouble, especially for women, who are here so late at night. People are going to proper other doors open when they go for smoke breaks and that allows non-students with a way in.”

– Natalie James

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