By Shalini Ruparell
The women’s volleyball team may have missed the playoffs this year, but two of their young stars give the team hope it will improve next season. In her second season at Ryerson, Anjela Wilson has become one of the top volleyballers in the country, recording more digs per set than any other woman in Canada.
Wilson, who was last year’s team MVP, recorded 5.81 digs per set as the Rams’ starting liberto, but is modest about her achievement.
“It’s a big deal because the girls on the team are happy for me,” she said. “Knowing they supports me makes it what it is.”
Wilson said the team is already working hard to improve on their 4-13 record.
“It’s up to each player to do their part and that’s what next year will depend on,” she said.
Wilson thinks the team could make a big improvement next season.
“We’re a young team, it will be a better year because we’ve had time to adjust to the coaching and the rookies have made the transition from high school to university,” she said.
Wilson said her teammate Alyson Mann helped to hold the team together.
“She’s the same, calm, Ally, very supportive. She sets an example for everyone else,” said Wilson.
As a rookie setter this year, Mann was ranked fifth in Ontario for assists. Mann said she was a bit disappointed that the team didn’t do better.
“We were inconsistent in our play and that was one of our major problems,” she said. “It was learning experience and we take away a lot more than most people would expect.”
Mann is also hopeful for next season. “I think that we will see a change in everyone’s attitude. We are going to perform more consistently and improve our general play,” she said. “We are going to be together again with a year under our belts. It will be nice to have returning players. We can only go up from here.”
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