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By Nicole Riva

The number of Ryerson staff and faculty making six-figure salaries has more than tripled in the past year.

According to a provincial government report released last week, 263 employees earned at least $100,000 last year.

In 2002, that number was about 80.

The Ontario Ministry of Finance released its public sector salary disclosure report for 2003 on March 31. The list includes government employees, crown agency workers, school boards and hospitals along with universities and colleges.

Ryerson President Claude Lajeunesse’s salary totalled $249,309.91, an increase of about %14,000 from 2002.

Adam Kahan, vice president university advancement, was the second highest earner with $206,031.72. Kahan’s salary is about $50,000 less than his predecessor Gordon Cressy, who left as Ryerson’s chief fundraiser in 2002.

The top faculty earner in 2003 was nursing professor Beth Swart, who earned $161,626.53, an increase of more than $12,000 from 2002.

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