By Elisabeth Johns
Ryerson is still arguing with insurance companies over damages resulting from faulty sprinklers that burst more than a month ago in the Centre for Computing and Engineering.
“It is being handled by various insurance agencies,” said Linda Grayson, vice president of administration and planning. She added there are other factors to consider, such as whether the sprinklers were defective.
Grayon said Ryerson’s insurance broker, Canadian Universities Reciprocal Insurance Exchange, as well as the broker for Aecon Construction, Crawford Adjusters, will handle the claim.
Aecon was the contractor for the building, and, according to Ryerson President Claude Lajeunesse, the university did not assume the building until the day after the flood. This would put the insurance claim responsibility in the hands of Crawford.
But Marty Harrop, the main insurance adjuster for Crawford, disagreed.
“I believe Ryerson put in the first party claim,” he said.
The sprinkler heads burst on Nov. 25, flooding the fourth floor of Ryerson’s newest building.
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