by Grant McDonald
Loud and proud; Ryerson’s cheer squad is back for a second year.
Although their first year went better than expected, coach and founder Christina Basin is looking to build the program and become a varsity team.
“Our main goal this year is to increase our skill level, leave the beginner stage and move into intermediate and then expert,” Basin said.
Members of this year’s team are excited to build their program and earn some recognition from other teams.
“All the girls on the team are hoping to become a varsity team,” said Elyse Rawding, a second-year nutrition student.
This year’s tryouts are meant to try to bring out new and experienced cheerleaders who will fit in well and are enthusiastic about the team.
“There are currently 15 people on the team, but after tryouts it will be about 28 to 30,” Basin said.
“I hope with new people comes new talent,” said Rawding. “We’re a new team and improving a lot, so I am excited about this.”
Basin has three choreographers with dance backgrounds who put together the squad’s routines.
“We choreograph a routine for each competition at the beginning of the year, and make it better by taking things out or adding to it,” Basin said.
Basin started the team last year.
“We pretty much had a handful of experienced people and the rest were new, but eager to learn. With that we put together the team,” Basin said.
Many of last year’s squad are back again.
“I think that last year was our base year and this year we will probably have more talent,” said Diana Brown, a second-year graphic communications management student. “I think we will be more committed.”
Despite a lack of funding and interest, last year’s team had some success against established squads.
In one regional competition, the Rye squad finished second. Later that year they placed seventh at the national meet.
“We’re really hoping to improve from last year,” said Alex Rodgers, a third-year fashion communications student. “Although, for our first team, we did very well.”
The team has maintained a campus presence so far this year, appearing at the Parade and Picnic, a pub night fundraiser for the team and in frosh week events.
The girls say their strong team atmosphere is important.
“The girls can all talk and hang out after cheerleading,” Rodgers said. “It’s a really good team dynamic.”
Ryerson cheerleading is on the rise, literally. The high flying and enthusiastic attitudes will hopefully reflect success in their second year.
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