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Eyeopener Staff

Eighteen months and $1 million later, Ryerson’s Board of Governors approved the school’s Master Plan on Monday night.

While the Master Plan sets out general guidelines on how the school should grow in the next 20 years, it doesn’t provide any binding plans for future buildings or campus expansion.

“The adminsitration will be coming to the Board with each individual project,” said Linda Grayson, VP Finance and Services.

The three guidelines laid out by the plan are increasing density, architectural excellence and putting people before cars.

The plan didn’t set out any financial targets, which concerned some board members.

“How do you come up with a template when you don’t have a dollar figure?” asked Harry Rosen.

The plan is the culmination of an 18-monthlong discussion process in which Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects (KPMB) consulted with students, staff and faculty for the plan, and added their ideas to it. At the meeting, Grayson revealed that the school spent $995,000 on the consultation.

The first projects to be undertaken with the Master Plan is the contruction of a library expansion where Sam the Record Man now stands, as well as a new Image Arts building and photography gallery that will house the Black Star photo collection.

Other, non-binding, suggestions KPMB made include tearing down Kerr Hall and expanding the Ryerson Athletic Centre.

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