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Housing lags on formal appeal policy

By Vanessa Greco

Residence students have no formal way of defending themselves against bad behaviour charges.

This year’s housing contract promised rez students a new appeals system, to be introduced before summer’s end. But now, almost a month into the school year, there’s still no policy outlined.

“Housing has an obligation to inform students about the process,” said Liana Salvador, vice-president education of the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU), calling the appeal blunder a violation of student rights.

When a residence student is found misbehaving, they’re given points based on the severity of the offence. Racking up three points can lead to eviction.

Sarah Brown was threatened with a three-point charge after a night of partying on floor five of the International Living/Learning Centre (ILLC).

“Being only my first week living there, I was pretty scared,” said the first-year radio and television arts student.

Housing eventually reduced her charge to two points. Brown said she’d have appealed otherwise. That is, if she knew how.

“I don’t know much about the process. Is it even worth it?”

Glen Weppler, director of student and community life, admits housing dropped the ball.

“We promised students a new policy and haven’t followed through yet.”

As housing continues to draft a new policy, Weppler vows to clarify the interim appeal process for students.

Former rez student Sarah Mens, has seen how valuable appeals can be. Last year, her friend was nearly evicted for drinking, saved only by an appeal.

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