The flagship show of Ryerson’s student-run television station has an uncertain future after two of its key staff members allegedly quit.
RUtv News producers Rob Heydari and Lidia Bit-Yunan are said to have left their positions last week.
“Rob and Lidia dropped out of RUtv and they are integral to how the station is run,” said Graham Slaughter, a RUtv news junior reporter. “Without them, we’re not able to function.”
Both Heydari and Bit-Yunan refused to comment.
In the meantime, RUtv News remains on hiatus and Slaughter said he is looking at internships outside of Ryerson.
According to Brad Whitehouse, RUtv News junior reporter, the news team executives are currently looking to add people to the production and management staff, even though they already have a “great team together this year.”
Last year, RUtv received $17,000 in funding from the Ryerson Students’ Union for the station’s launch.
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