By Amil Shilton
Three months ago, while students were still settling into their classes, our newspaper took a risk.
In our first issue we splashed a pretty painting of Maple Leaf Gardens on our cover and crafted a four-page special section on what we thought was a nearly-done deal for the Gardens.
We were the first.
The same day both the school and Loblaw released statements acknowledging the two sides were in talks. Since then, we’ve been biting our nails along with the rest of the Ryerson community, waiting for the word from the federal government.
An important chunk of the Eyeopener’s constitution states that anything published in our newspaper needs some sort of Ryerson connection. It’s why we don’t cover important international news, city hall politics or what the Leafs did last night.
It’s also what makes the Eyeopener a whole lot better. If there’s one thing we do better than anybody else, it’s covering the news that happens on our lovely downtown campus.
It’s something we’re extremely proud of.
So when we applaud Sheldon Levy and the Ryerson team for this historic purchase and cheer our Top Ten athletes (pages 9-20) for their incredible achievements, excuse us while we take a second to pat ourselves on the back.
I think we deserve it.
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