The latest edition of the Public Sector Salary Disclosure shows that over 700 of Ryerson’s faculty and staff rake in at least $100,000 a year.
For the 2009 calendar year, 708 Ryerson employees made the infamous list. This was a significant jump from last year’s list, where 548 of the university’s staff and faculty made over $100,000.
Ryerson President Sheldon Levy said he was not surprised that the list had grown, as salaries of faculty and staff increase every year, due to annual increases in negotiated salaries.
“A lot of people in the $90,000 range will flip over by salary increases into the $100,000 range,” said Levy.
The salary of the president is determined by the board of govenors, and the salaries of vicepresidents are recommended by the president and then are approved by the board, said Levy.
The Public Sector Salary Disclosure list shows the names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits for all employees who make over $100,000 at an organization that receives funding from the provincial government.
Heather Lane Vetere, vice-provost student services at Ryerson, said the $100,000 cutoff for the list was mandated when very few people made that much.
“I make jokes that if they leave the cut off at $100,000 that in about ten years, most people on the planet would be on it,” said Lane Vetere.
Some salaries, like that of Adam Kahan, vicepresident university advancement, decreased this year. Levy said changes in wages can be due to staff taking on extra duties, such as serving as a dean or a vice-president for a term.
Kahan was unavailable to comment on his salary changes.
In addition to post-secondary insitutions, the list also discloses the salaries of employees of hospitals, school boards and municipalities.
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