The Ryerson Students’ Union is calling for Maclean’s magazine to stop being publicly funded after a controversial article was published by the magazine last November.
The article discusses “Asian schools” that emphasize academics so drastically, other students feel they cannot compete against Asian students without jeopardizing their time and social life.
Rodney Diverlus, the RSU’s vice-president of equity, said the article has “dangerous implications” because it is “blatantly racist and stereotyping of Asians” and “creates a xenophobic culture.”
An Asian first-year journalism student, Samantha Sim said she disagrees with the article, but doesn’t think Maclean’s should lose its funding.
“Everything is based on hard work no matter what culture someone is [from],” she said.
”Canada has a diverse culture and opinions and views so while I don’t agree with the article I don’t think funding should be taken away.”
First-year graphic communications management student, Ashley Lombardo agreed.
“Asians deserve to be in a university setting as much as I do,” Lombardo said. “Hard work should result in the same reward.”
Diverlus said that until Maclean’s issues an apology, the RSU and the Chinese Canadian National Council will lobby for the magazine to lose funding.
The RSU has been slow in asking for an apology. The city councils of Toronto, Vancouver and Victoria, among others, have already requested an apology of MacLean’s. No apology has yet been given.
“Our tax money should not be contributing to racially-offensive stereotypes,” said Diverlus. “Ultimately, we as a public need to realize that there is no kind of positive stereotypes.”
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