The Ryerson Students’ Union election all-candidates debate was interrupted Wednesday afternoon when RSU member services staff called EMS for VP Equity candidate Donna Ryder, who reported feeling like she was going to pass out.
Photo: Marta Iwanek
Toronto Metropolitan University's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1967
The Ryerson Students’ Union election all-candidates debate was interrupted Wednesday afternoon when RSU member services staff called EMS for VP Equity candidate Donna Ryder, who reported feeling like she was going to pass out.
Photo: Marta Iwanek
I think it’s inappropriate for the Eyeopener to be painting Ryder in this light. As a reader this news blurb comes across like: how dare a person with a disability interrupt the debate and waste everyone’s time.
I would hope the Eyeopener didn’t have this intention and would maybe consider re-wording the headline and blurb.
prince vlad
The other question to ask is WHY was this alowe3d to happen in the first place ? Had her usual attendant been allowed to look after her, instead of being ” banned ” for some unknown reason , she would not have had an issue.
prince vlad
” student ” …. cheap shots will get you no where . One day, you will welcome the fact that we have suck good security service staff on this campus and I suspect that should the need ever arise that you call upon them, I suspect that you will change your tune somewhat .
If you have a headache, take two aspirin , drink plenty of orange juice , get some rest and wake up refreshed in the morning. Making fun of a person you do not even know is about a childish as one can get.
Seems like Students United has finally weeded into the Eyeopener after taking over the Ryersonian.