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The worst mistake to make on your resumé

By Astoria Luzzi

Biz & Tech Editor

Ryerson hosted the annual Part-time Student Job Fair on Thursday, Sept. 13. We asked a few employers about resumé writing, and what they consider to be the worst mistakes students can make.


Clinton Lung – Rockport

“Spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, you definitely want to proofread it. Definitely don’t understate your position but don’t give us a one page essay about it as well. Make it to the point. “


Dan Macdonald – Store manager of Rockport Eatons Center

“Not including all the information they need. They may want to cater their resumé more specifically towards where they’re applying for. It’s more effective that way. Be truthful, make sure your resumé is reflecting accurate things you did and in your own words too.”


Lysa Garcia – Michael Kors


“The biggest mistake, in our industry, that someone can make on their resumés, or have made, is putting non-pertinent experience on their resumé. “


Rachel Russo – Michael Kors

“The biggest mistake that people make on their resumés is in their objective portion at the top they don’t make it specific to the company, so it’s too generic and it doesn’t make me feel like they want to work for us.  It’s just a generic objective.”


Rob Chung – Vector Marketing

“They put their resumé based on what their job was and not what the results were, and an employer wants to know what they accomplished from their working there, because every job obviously has duties and most jobs are pretty common sense. Results show somebody actually takes initiative and works harder.”



  1. If the accomplishments of the previous job are not relevant to the job applying for then can I include it in the resume? Suggest me!!

  2. WhiskyRyeGuy

    Last time I checked (And it’s been a while) Vector Marketing only offered commission based jobs selling kitchen knives to friends and family. Part-time or not, if you’re stuck working there you will either become one hell of a salesperson or you need to take a long look at where your career is headed…

  3. Always Selling

    …I find it amusing that people take every opportunity to bash Vector Marketing they can.

    It’s a sales job. There are hundreds of jobs that are identical to it. It doesn’t matter what company you work for: if you work in direct sales, commission is a part of the job. Just make sure that, if you are in direct sales, you are selling a product or service that you can defend and stand behind.

    Vector offers a base salary – the commission is a bonus, an opportunity to earn more. Why strive for the minimum? Commissions are there to earn MORE, but you will always get paid, as long as you work. I’ve seen plenty of people who worked with Vector, were not particularly good salespeople, but still made decent money, as far as summer jobs go.

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