By Sarah Jackson
Heads up smokers, you may have to find a new place to light up on campus. On Monday, September 30th, Toronto Public Health is meeting to discuss the Smoke Free Act which would ban smoking in public areas including public building entrances and exits, outdoor sports fields and parks, swimming beaches, public squares, bar and restaurant patios and hospital grounds.
This comes as a shock to many students at Ryerson as most of the buildings on campus are considered public. According to Julie Amoroso, a Research Consultant at Toronto Public Health, the ban would include residence buildings.
“If any door to a Ryerson residence building could be entered by the general public it would be considered a public building,” said Amoroso.
Bianca Scott, a third-year student social work student, has recently quit smoking but does not agree with the Act.
“I would say I’m against the ban. There have been so many limitations and restrictions on people that smoke already,” said Scott.
The majority of students feel that less smoking on campus would be in everyone’s best interest. With Gould Street being as busy as it is, smoking has caused some students discomfort.
Rachel Boere, a first-year creative industries student, shares her irritation, “I often walk down this street to go to my classes and I end up walking through clouds of people’s smoke because they just don’t care and that’s frustrating,” said Boere.
Carlos Rios, an employee of Ryerson’s Ram in the Rye pub, believes that the smoking ban, which would include their patio, will hinder sales.
“It would deplete business because smoking is a sociable thing and if you’re drinking you want to smoke. If you can’t smoke here, you’ll go somewhere you can,” said Rios.
Guilia Ilacqua, a fourth-year politics student, is allergic to the smoke.
“I don’t breathe when I walk by smokers. I think it’s really bad and I don’t agree with smoking,” said IIacqua.
Campuses like University of Alberta and Dalhousie University have already gone completely smoke free, and students like Ilacqua feel that Ryerson should head in that direction.
When asked, a substantial number of students stated that they are all for a joining the fight for a smoke-free campus.
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