By Dylan Freeman-Grist
Blue water fountains, specifically designed to refill reusable water bottles, have begun to appear around campus.
It’s the latest move in the Ryerson Students’ Union’s bottle water free campaign, meant to encourage students to take on a more active role at making Ryerson water bottle free. The cost for each of the two fountains is $7,000 with a portion of that cost going to The Clean Water Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to engaging individuals in actions that preserve, protect and improve water quality.
The cost of this work, plus the installation of the unit was $11,550. At the Architecture building, the installation costs were lower as less in- frastructure work, including plumbing and re-paving. The cost came to $8,150.
In 2009 at the Annual General Meeting RSU president Jermaine Bagnall, CESAR president Mohammad Ali Aumeer, and University president Sheldon Levy pledged September 2013 as the goal date to have phased out all plastic water bottles on campus.
“I think its a good idea, before the new water fountains some people would have to get inside a building to fill up their water bottles,” said Gregorio Jason Nugroho, a first-year interior design student.
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