By Dylan Freeman-Grist
“How does that make me look? I mean someone died”
Those were the words of Farshad Badakhshan while he picked his answers to a psychological evaluation according to forensic neuropsychologist Angela Carter.
Badakshshan stands accused of murdering Ryerson student Carina Petrache in July of 2010. He is pleading that he is not criminally responsible for her death due to a delusional disorder.
Prosecution has called Carter as a reply-wittness to the psyciatric evidence brought forward during Badakhshan’s defence.
Attorney Jennifer Stanton walked Carter through a formal report she compiled regarding the psychological state of Badakshahn, specifically looking as to wether or not he may be exaggerating his psychological symptoms.
Carter noted that, in her opinion, Badakhshan’s behaiviour was inconsistent with that of someone suffering from a delusional disorder, as the defence has argued.
She explained that Badakshan’s was too preoccupied with how his behaviour would present in court, whereas one suffering from a delusional disorder is typically lost in their hallucinations.
“They are more concerned with the conspiracy then they are about anyone else,” Carter testified.
Carter also noted that in typical cases where one is pleading not criminally responsible they will maintain an argument, based in their false understanding of reality, as to why they committed the crime.
“[he has not] put forth a delusional argument to show he was right in killing [Petrache],” Carter testified.
Carter’s testimony contradicts that of forensic psychatrist Dr. Lisa Ramshaw, who found Badakshshan to be not criminally responsible for his actions.
Ramshaw noted in her testimony, which ran from March 19 to March 25, that an exaggeration of symptoms during forensic evaluation does not necessarily equate to mental competence at the time of the crime.
The trial will resume March 31.
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