By Amira Zubairi
The Hub cafeteria, which has been undergoing renovations to improve food services on campus, will finally open in early October.
Ryerson Eats, an initiative to improve the quality of food on campus, is behind the makeover.
“We want to make sure students … have breakfasts and dinners that are made with good and accommodating ingredients,” said Joshna Maharaj, assistant director of food services and executive chef at Ryerson. Catering to a variety of dietary needs was a challenge in the past, she said.
Maharaj added that the new design has a variety of food stations including a full grill, all day breakfast, greens and grains and a stir-fry and pasta station.
A team of chefs is working on eliminating grab-and-go food products and shifting to making food from scratch. Staff will also have to provide the best customer service, said Maharaj.
Melissa Yu, communications and administrative coordinator of food services, said the goal of an original menu and renovated cafeteria is to make students and residents look forward to eating on campus.
“It’s about promoting foods that are made in-house and is a great opportunity to celebrate Ontario’s ingredients,” said Yu.
Huy Nyugen, a fourth-year business technology management student, said he thinks whether students go to the Hub depends on both its menu and aesthetics.
“It would make a little bit of a difference in how popular The Hub is if students receive discounts on their meals,” said Nyugen.
The Hub will offer a daily $5 meal and regular entrées will range from $6 to $8, said Maharaj.
“The Hub is going to have a really obvious flavour of what Ryerson eats,” she said. “I hope it becomes something that the campus is proud of.” The Hub will be having a soft launch on Sept. 23.
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