By Brennan Doherty
A number of Transform Ryerson posters hanging in the Kerr Hall bridge, and featuring science director candidate Ana Sophia Vargas, have been defaced with moustaches — a derogatory jab at her Mexican heritage.
Her response?
“Oh, I’m making it go viral. Check my Twitter,” Vargas said. “I’m taking pictures with every single person that I know that is awesome and has a moustache.”She’s decided to turn the latest case of racism against Transform Ryerson posters into something more lighthearted. While she’s only been tweeting about the incident for the past two hours, her hashtag #peoplewithstaches is catching on.
Vargas added that her slate knows about the defacement. “They saw the pictures, they saw the posters. I’m pretty sure they have to speak to the [Chief Returning Officer] about this. “The CRO would then investigate the incident to determine whether it constitutes racism, find the offenders, and deliver a ruling — even if Vargas doesn’t mind them staying up.
“As much as I like [the posters], they would have to be taken down,” Vargas said.
Never considered this look! Quite hot
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