by Carys Mills
A Ryerson student was hit by a car outside the International Living and Learning Centre (ILLC) on Friday evening, according to witnesses.
“He flipped in mid-air,” said Shannon Hamilton, a witness and first-year York University student who was visiting a friend at Ryerson.
The male, who Toronto Police estimate to be about 18 years old, was conscious and breathing at the scene. He was bleeding from the forehead but police said he had only minor injuries when taken to hospital in an ambulance after the collision, which occurred at about 5:30 p.m on Feb. 5.
Zack Jeebhai was the driver involved in the collision. He said he was driving north on Mutual Street after work because there was too much traffic on his normal route.
Jeebhai said when he got to Mutual and Gould Streets, he stopped at the stop sign.
When he proceeded, the male ran across the street.
“I pressed my brakes but it was too late,” said Jeebhai, who was driving a Chevrolet Cobalt.
Hamilton saw the incident on her way from Metro to the ILLC and crossed Mutual Street while Jeebhai was stopped at the stop sign.
She said he accelerated soon after her and her friend got to the other side of the street.
They were the first to help the male after the collision, telling him not to move in case of injuries.
Hamilton also said the victim’s knee was in pain after the incident
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