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By Cliff Lee

Bars in trendy Yorkville and Queen Street West will be filling the temporary void left by the Ram in the Rye’s temporary closure.With the doors to the school pub shut for the semester, RyeSAC looked off campus for event space. Student groups and course unions can now book their pub nights at The 360 (326 Queen St. W.) or Fields (50 Cumberland St.).

“We were looking at a bunch of options for bookings around the city,” said Vice President Student Life and Events Cristina Ribeiro.

The venues may be far, but the most important thing for Ribeiro was cost-both bars are letting Ryerson book events for free. At least 10 student groups have already booked nights at The 360, which is able to put on all ages licensed events.

While providing pub alternatives for Ryerson students, RyeSAC itself is having more events that cater to everyone. This will be the first year RyeSAC will shuttle students to the Woodbine Racetrack on Sept. 29 for a day at the races.

“It’s not about just going down to the pub and getting drunk,” said RyeSAC communications and outreach manager Pauline Spencer. “We’re going to offer a variety of programming.”

Locations for Ram in the Rye favourites like karaoke and dirty bingo are still to be determined.

“Frankly, not a lot of students were going to the Ram in the Rye,” admitted Spencer.”The sound system, the lights – it was all in dire need of an upgrade. [Closing the Ram in the Rye] will be a long-term gain, because it will be the most gorgeous bar in the downtown.”

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