By The News Team
Ryerson’s Students’ Union’s (RSU) 2012 audited budget shows that students paid more than $3 million in student fees last year.
The RSU spent close to $300,000 on “event programming” last year, according to the union’s 2012 expenses breakdown.
But, some students think that in the future that money should go towards different things.
While students praise campaigns such as Water Bottle Free Campus, some are questioning whether these events and campaigns geared towards dropping fees are worth the cost.
“I think it’s wasted time. They would have to drastically change how they [RSU] are going about doing it because it doesn’t seem to be working,” said second-year English student Andrea McDonald.
“It would be nice to see them focus on things that could actually make a difference.” Some students pointed to RSU’s long-standing history with the “Drop Fees” campaign as being ineffective.
Post-secondary tuition in Ontario is already the highest in the country and it’s continuing to rise.
On October 31 the Ryerson Students’ Union will host the Rally For The Death of Affordable Education to create awareness on campus about tuition fees and student debt.
“I don’t think these things will ever be effective. Tuition will rise – a rally isn’t going to change that,” said fifth-year engineering student Daniel Tarek.
Students also dish out another $400,000 for membership to the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), who help run a separate “Hikes Stop Here” campaign.
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