By Lindsay Boeckl
The vote count for the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) election has been postponed due to weather.
“A number of the people who were scheduled to be poll clerks and after that ballot counting couldn’t make it or were otherwise going to be late,” chief returning officer Zachary Smith said. “We wanted to postpone it until tomorrow where everyone’s able to do it and hopefully make some headway before midnight.”
Results are usually displayed in the Ram in the Rye as ballots are counted. The final results have been posted as late as 1 a.m. in the past.
With the weather delay, this year the results will be posted on the RSU board on the third floor of the Student Campus Centre after the candidates have been notified. Smith said it is also unclear if the results will be displayed as the votes are counted in the Ram or elsewhere.
Voting has been extended an extra day. On Thursday, Feb. 6, students can vote in the library and engineering buildings from 10:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. An additional polling station in the Ted Rogers School of Management has yet to be confirmed.
The count has been moved to Thursday at 6:30 PM in the Thomas Lounge in Oakham House.
Presidential candidate John Scott described his feelings on the delay as “heartbreaking.”
“I got all spiffed up in my tails and was looking forward to sharing drinks with my lovely opposition at the Ram,” Scott said. “Oh well, tomorrow will have to do.”
This article was updated after 5 p.m. Wednesday, February 5.
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