By Jake Scott
Ryerson’s 2014-2017 Strategic Mandate Agreement was accepted by the provincial government on Aug 7. Universities proposed their mandates to the province in order to outline the strengths and areas of specialization that they offer.
One of Ryerson’s commitments to the province is to continue building on the “zone” system, which promotes entrepreneurial and technological incubation for commercial and non-profit ventures. This way the government knows how Ryerson will spend its funding, the same way your parents know how you’ll spend all your money on “books” by the end of first semester.
Since we sit in the dead centre of Toronto, Ryerson also takes on the role of city-builder. Enter Ryerson President Sheldon Levy and his glorious “Master Plan.” Though his presidency is coming to an end after this year, Levy is credited with building Ryerson’s reputation as a moulder of the downtown core. Who do you think acquired Maple Leaf Gardens?
As well, he has worked to approve new masters programs for the coming term such as animation, digital media and cyber security.
Another part of Ryerson’s obligation to the province is to bring in more students every year. Ryerson has seen a 72 per cent increase in first-choice admissions since 2004 and doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. As well, Ryerson has seen a 54 per cent increase in all-choice applications.
By adding more programs and expanding student space, Ryerson hopes to keep raking in the first-year dollars. When it comes to post-secondary, Wu-Tang got it right: C.R.E.A.M.
If you’ve made it this far into the article, you obviously care about your school and the administrative processes that govern your life for a four-year period. The full strategic mandate can be viewed on the RyersonToday website.
Thanks for reading and lighten up. This is Frosh Week, go have a beer or two and stop worrying about the relationship between provincial government and your new school.
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