Students noticed something a bit different when logging onto RAMSS last week. Rather than being directed to their RAMSS account, students were asked an enrollment question that had to be answered before proceeding. They were asked whether they planned to attend their enrolled classes or whether they would take appropriate steps to drop the classes. Keith Alnwick, Ryerson’s registrar, said it’s to provide the university with more information about students enrolled in fall studies. Nora Farrell, Ryerson’s ombudsperson, said students may be unaware that by not attending enrolled classes, it can result in a failure for nonattendance and huge bills. Last year’s Ombudperson’s Report recommended that additional efforts be made to alert students at the point of registration of the importance of cancelling their registration. Farrell said she wants students to avoid a “semester full of FNA’s (Failure Non-Attendance) on their academic record and a substantial debt.” Alnwick said a huge number of students have already responded and the university will be following up with those students who do not respond. “I was a little caught off guard because I was just expecting to sign on to RAMSS as usual, but I answered the question assuming it was probably just an administrative thing,” said Engelina Schmitz, a third-year interior design student. Alnwick said that students have always been academically and financially responsible for their courses they’re enrolled in and this questionnaire doesn’t change that.
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