By Lee Richardson
Hybrid programs, courses drawing elements from multiple faculties, could arrive at Ryerson if recommendations made by the provost and vice-president academic are accepted.
“We could allow our students to combine course elements from different programs,” said interim viceprovost academic, Mehmet Zeytinoglu.
The recommendations were delivered in a report developed by the provost and vice-president, Alan Shepard, as part of Ryerson’s academic plan. The restructuring could also create new science and law faculties.
One possible combination is retail management and fashion, according to Shepard. Students currently enrolled in a program would have the option to join the new cross-faculty program.
“What we’re doing now is consulting the community, gathering a lot of information about how it works now, how it might work,” said Shepard.
Market demand could influence the type of programs created.
Ryerson has been approached by the private sector to create a mining focused engineering and business program, according to President Sheldon Levy.
The proposal will be considered before another discussion paper presents ideas in November.
After town hall meetings, another paper is set to be released in January.
Ryerson’s academic structure hasn’t been adjusted in 40 years.
“We’re a much bigger university than we were in 1969, we weren’t a university for one thing,” said Shepard. “I think this is a good time to be opening those questions.”
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