Kerr Hall’s rooftop is being scouted as prime real-estate for solar panel power generation. “We’ve been approached by groups that want to take advantage of the roofs of the university for installing solar power,” said Ryerson President Sheldon Levy.
Kerr Hall is one building being considered.
“If you look down you’ll see a lot of flat roofs and they’re ideal for solar panels,” said Levy.
The university is receiving proposals for green products and services on campus, which include the solar roof project.
Levy said he doesn’t know the profit Ryerson could generate from the panels. The project’s cost, which will change according to the repairs needed before installation, is also unknown.
“There’s a whole series of events that have to happen in order to determine whether it’s feasible or not, but 95 per cent of all buildings are pretty much already set up,” said Jonathan Nash of Glenbarra Energy, a design and installation company.
Some students think the university could take sustainability further.
“The first step is a sustainability office,” said third-year urban and regional planning student Denis Agar, who thinks an office would coordinate sustainibility initiatives. Agar is involved with the Ryerson Greens, the Green Party of Canada’s Ryerson representatives.
He thinks Ryerson should be careful.
“Ryerson could end up spending a huge amount of money, then maybe not ending up getting their bang for their buck,” said Agar.
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