New year’s resolutions have become a synonym for unfulfillment. If yours is to lose weight by hitting the weights, Ryerson’s strength and conditioning coach Mark Harris has advice for you
Midnight struck on New Year’s Eve and 2012 arrived.
You pat yourself on the back because you survived a very stressful 2011; you turn back to your friends, throw back another shot and continue to party. The next morning you wake up feeling like you were hit by a truck, you stagger to the bathroom, look in the mirror and you’re disgusted with your own reflection. You begin to panic, and promise yourself this year is going to be different.
New Year’s Resolutions almost never come to fruition, especially ones associated with weight loss. They’ve almost become something we throw onto our annual self-improvement list instinctively, along with learning something new and doing better in school, without first considering what it takes to reach that goal.
If you really want to make a dramatic physical life change for 2012, wait two weeks to reconsider if the desire to get fit remains. After all the hoopla surrounding New Year’s is gone, the semester is underway and life returns to normal.
If you still feel driven to change your lifestyle, you’re ready to follow my workout plan. I’ve written a workout for three days a week, here’s day one of three. Follow this plan for the next four weeks, increasing the weight every week.
Make it a priority to get to the gym to do your weight workout and make the effort to complete 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise on days with workouts and on days without. Do your best, and don’t forget to take days off to rest your body.
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