Features What’s your sexual identity? February 13, 2013 Once a year, The Eyeopener throws decency aside to bring you Love & Sex
Features Speak no evil (because I said so) February 6, 2013 The issues that arise when free speech demands censorship
Features Hey Ma, where do programs come from? January 29, 2013 Ryerson’s approval of a number of new programs to begin next fall begs the question: What are the birds and the bees of your degrees?
Features Catering creativity January 22, 2013 How some of Ryerson’s approaches to creative education just aren’t practical
Features Putting your mind at risk January 15, 2013 Experts have found a connection between your favourite bad habits and your worst feelings
FeaturesMultimediaVideo A crisis of faith November 20, 2012 Luc Rinaldi explores losing one's religion
Features They want to transform your perspective November 13, 2012 Ryerson’s trans community is made up of hidden folks and expressive advocates
Features Hidden in plain sight November 6, 2012 Geocaching has become a popular form of adventuring in the last few years
Features Alumni: continue to give us your money! October 30, 2012 Every year at Ryerson's convocation ceremony, graduates shift the tassels on their caps after receiving their diploma as a symbolic gesture of moving forward
Features How well-endowed is Ryerson? October 30, 2012 A university is only as good as the money being put into it
Features Standing up for the silent October 23, 2012 Mark Dukes went from the streets to the classroom
Features A brief history of RyeSERT October 17, 2012 In talking with one of the founding members of the student group, The Eyeopener discovered a bit about its roots