Arts & Culture It’s Finger-lickin’ good November 4, 1998 40 Fingers blends jazz and classical music for an original sound
Features The voodoo you never knew October 28, 1998 It’s not black magic or evil zombies rising from the grave. Santeria is a viable religion practiced around the world by the surviving descendants of the West Indies slave trade.
Features Walk on the side of the angels October 28, 1998 The journey from immortal creature of God to popular culture icon.
Features Will the real Druids please stand up October 28, 1998 The popularity of Druidism of “Druidry,” as those in the know call it, is not surprising. Author Terry Brooks’ “Shannara” fantasy books, fantasy games like Dungeons & Dragons, an abundance of Celtic-y craft-y stuff in alternative stores, all capitalize on that festering, sub-culture world view that gives the magical Druid figure its popular appeal.
Features Exploring your energy resources October 28, 1998 Skeptical of the aura of fraud surrounding the notion of a human energy field? Discover your unseen body.
Communities Student groups cut a rug October 28, 1998 The only competition at Oakham house this Halloween should be for who has the best costume.
Communities Unraveling DNA October 28, 1998 A communications breakdown is disrupting attempts to start a new student group at Ryerson.
Rye remembers Holocaust with racism forum October 28, 1998 As part of Holocaust Education Week, Ryerson is hosting a panel discussion to educate students on the perils of hatred and racism.
Editorial Sell your soul to credit card demons October 28, 1998 “Hey little girl, do you want some candy?” If that gives you the creepy crawlies it ought to. It sure as hell sent shivers down my spine as I sauntered along Jorgenson Hall of Shame recently to witness Mephistopheles hawking his deals with the devil — credit cards.
Recruiting manager upset with Career Centre service October 28, 1998 Recruiters at Price Waterhouse Coopers aren’t happy with the service they got from Ryerson’s Career Centre.
Editorial Who will get a monopoly? October 28, 1998 For once we can actually say that you will see a new student centre.
Alumni reunites for 50th anniversary October 28, 1998 Ryerson alumni returned to their old stomping grounds on Saturday to help the school celebrates its 50th anniversary — the first open house in about 15 years.