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RIOT in the Theatre: February 22, 1995

By Matthew Shepherd

Yesiree Bob, it’s spring: birds are singing, grass is growing and RIOT is back on the scene. After 45 years of evolution, Ryerson’s annual comedy event is faster, weirder and more dangerous than ever before. This year’s players—the most balanced cast I’ve seen in three years at Ryerson—have assembled a comedy show worthy of the frenetic mind of today’s student. The sketch composition resembles what geeks call Hypertext: an amalgamam of images so fast and furious that you are left dizzy, confused—and laughing.

The sketches are rarely more than a minute long, broken by music and video inserts. If you get it, great. If not, you don’t have time to figure it out…it’s on to the next premise before you can plug your eyeballs back into your skull.

Like all sketch comedy, it’s uneven—hypertext again, not every sketch is for every person—ranging from wildly funny to confusing. The final collage is both mindblowing, memorable and dizzying.

RIOT. It will suck the laughs right out of you.

RIOT runs from February 23-25 in the Eaton Lecture Theatre. Tickets $7 at RSU or in front of the RTA office.

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