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All Editorial Letter to the editor

The R in RTA: February 8, 1995

By Michelle Parise

Course selection time again at Ryerson and oh! the choices. As a second year Radio and Television Arts student, I am extremely disappointed with the “choices” offered for our final year. For some unknown reason, it seems that the Faculty/Advisory Committee of RTA has casually left the “Radio” out of the Radio and Television Arts program. Any student who thought that they would be spending their final year specializing in radio has been greatly mislead.

Of our “professionally related electives” there are four television-related courses, one media-sociology, one French, and four business/marketing courses. Call me crazy, but what struck me (and others) as odd was the complete absence of any radio or audio-related courses in these two sections. Apparently we should be satiated with the three audio courses that are offered out of the eight that we are forced to take.

This may come as a surprise to the Administration of RTA, but there are actually some of us who enrolled in the program because of an interest to work in the radio realm, and would have appreciated a course “selection” (hence the term) that reflected that.

Audio and visual aspects of the broadcasting industry should be regarded as of equal value, especially in the top-rated program in this country. Perhaps we the unfortunate, misguided students interested in pursuing radio will just have to submit to those who deem Television as the more important medium, until we have our degree in hand.

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