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Eyeflashes: March 15, 1995

Tower envy

The CN Tower may soon be the world’s second tallest free standing structure—that’s if authorities in Moscow have anything to do with it.

Russian officials announced they will add a 20 metre addition to the 540 metre Ostankino Tower, which would make it seven metres higher than the Toronto’s best known tourist attraction.

CN Tower spokesman John Tevlin is skeptical about the claim.

“I’ve spoken to them every year and every time they say they will expand,” Tevlin said. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

The Ostankino Tower was built in 1967 and was the tallest in the world until the CN Tower was completed in 1976. Tevlin, meanwhile, says if the Russians extend their tower, Toronto will follow suit.

“We have all kinds of options to preserve our status,” he said. “I would have no hesitation to take one of those options.”

Help for the homeless

The “Out of the Cold” Program is wrapping up its fifth year of operation this month at St. Simon’s Church on Bloor Street East. Every Wednesday night, one hundred volunteers help the needy, who are invited to sleep overnight in the church basement.

“It’s very rewarding work,” said Reverend John Saynor, program coordinator. “We wish we didn’t have to do this but it has to be done.”

Through donations and help from the Knights of Columbus, visitors receive food, blankets, and condoms. In the church they are able to wash, watch TV and sleep in warm, safe surroundings.

The program will resume in November.

V-P finance reviewed

The RSU met last Thursday to discuss the future of the v-p finance position. A group of Board of Directors members discussed a motion to transfer the v-p’s salary to an honorarium fund from the current salary structure. The position pays $12,000 annually. The board then went in-camera to discuss the future of current V-P Finance Ryad Ali. The motion to re-allocate his salary was struck down in the in-camera session.

Compiled by Mariam Mesbah with files from Marni Weisz and Gianni Colavecchia

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