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Eyeflashes: March 8, 1995

Rye fashion student throws AIDS benefit

Last Thursday, Ryerson fashion student Kellie Broderick held a fashion show fundraiser to help children with AIDS.

The show, entitled Seeing Red, was a cooperative effort between the University of Toronto and Ryerson. Real-life models from U of T fraternities modelled spring time wear donated by several designers, including Tristan, Speedo and Earth Line.

“My goal was to remind people that it’s not only homosexuals who are dealing with AIDS,” Broderick said. “Mothers, fathers and babies are also suffering from this disease.”

Proceeds from the event are going to The Children with AIDS fund at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children.

The tragedy of AIDS has hit Broderick close to home. On Valentine’s Day last month, the disease claimed the life of Ryerson Fashion professor Allan Chindemi.

“It really hits home when you know someone with the disease,” Broderick said. “I’m glad I could do my part to help.”

Board of Directors deadline nears

Nominations are now open for positions on Ryerson’s Board of Directors.

24 student representatives, elected from each faculty, meet every three weeks and oversee the affairs of the RSU. Nominations close on Monday, Mar. 13 and elections will take place on Mar. 29 and 30. Students can pick up forms at RSU offices.

Campus Centre talks…again

Ryerson will hold a series of meetings this month to discuss a proposal for a new campus centre.

The meetings, which will take place Mar. 16, 21 and 22, will include presentations by various campus groups as well as the public. The proposed centre would be located on Gould Street and would be integrated wth Oakham House, Ryerson’s current social and cultural centre. To obtain further information regarding meeting times, please contact the RSU office at 597-0723.

The Western U?

The University of Western Ontario is considering changing its name to The Western University to boost its credibility abroad.

Dr. Dalin Jameson, Assistant to the President at Western, says the school is often mistaken for Western Kentucky and Western Tennesse.

“The name Western Ontario creates difficulties among scholars in the U.S. and elsewhere,” Jameson said.

The school is proposing a change to just “Western University” and Jameson says since most students already call it Western, the change would not be that dramatic.

But reaction in London has been different. 90 per cent of readers polled by the London Free Press were against the change.

Compiled by Mariam Mesbah with files from Chris Rands and Rob Granatstein

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