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Virtual RSU: March 15, 1995

By Kenny Yum

Your student government is now only a click of a mouse away. The Ryerson Student Union has taken a step toward what may be the future of communication with the students via a new computerized information unit outside their offices.

Developed by past RSU president Greg Quinn, the computer currently contains information on the student union and the proposed Campus Centre. RSU president Mike D’Angelo says the Campus Centre program keeps students informed about the proposed project.

“It’s just a very basic demonstration.” he said. He admits the kiosk’s graphics and sound are not what some students would expect, since it is still in the developmental stage. “You can’t expect some kiosk stuck to the wall with lights, speaker system, and stereos,” he said.

“I think it’s a great idea,” said Tom Deiulis, a Media Arts student. He says better designs would help attract more students. “I would like to see student opinions and what is going on (at the RSU),” he adds.

The kiosk is a prototype being tested out at no cost to the students or the RSU. D’Angelo says the RSU may consider purchasing computers in the future. In the mean time, the union may place the kiosk in different areas on campus. One student complained about the kiosk’s isolated location. “It’s in the middle of nowhere,” said first-year journalism student Guy Leshinski, referring to the RSU’s Jorgenson Hall location. “They should have it somewhere where it’s more accessible.”

However, even if the computer is more visible, the RSU will have to think about another problem—the notorious lack of communication with the students.

“At a student union, at this level, you would expect to have some personal contact.” Leshinski said. He says that the kiosk is “very impersonal.”

D’Angelo has a different opinion. “It’s a tool of promotion. Like posters, banners, flyers—this is something else,” he said.

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