Toronto Metropolitan University's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1967

All Editorial Letter to the editor

We said what???: March 8, 1995

Re: No vacancy, Feb. 22

We feel that the lead in the recent article “No vacancy” ought to have read, “While the Journalism Course Union complains about lack of student space at Ryerson…” rather than, “While student groups complain…”

Neither Juanita Dickson nor myself recall any interview with writer Kathy Blessin although we were both quoted. We were unable to locate any further information as to how these quotes were arrived at, such as a “With files from…” notice at the bottom of the article.

However, it should be noted that we have been attempting to acquire office space for the JCU and have been engaging in much dialogue with the JCU executive (many of whom occupy positions on The Eyeopener’s editorial team) in regards to this matter.

We wonder—would our casual conversations with Pete “space man” Nowak and Tom “catholic boy” Gierasimczuk be used as inserts into a story which misrepresents itself in the first place?

Gee, I guess we’ve got to watch what we say next time we pay a friendly visit to Dick “…ooops” Snyder.

Ooops indeed.

Juanita “seductively invincible” Dickson
V-P Administration
Leatrice “bitch” Spevack
Student Groups Co-ordinator

Editor’s note: It turns out that Eye news editor Tom “catholic boy” Gierasimczuk was perhaps not entirely clear when talking with Ms. Dickson and Ms. Spevack as to the nature of his inquiries regarding Ms. Blessin’s story (even as he walked into the RSU offices, wielding said story in his hand and asking for their input.) Nevertheless, he has been heartily flogged and has promised to behave.

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