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Fashion facts wrong: April 12, 1995

Re: Club XTC is unarousing, April 5

To set the record straight, all the bondage garments were constructed of recycled inner tubes (rubber), not “dead cow skins.” The “white lame skirt and open…blouse” that reported Steven Yi mentioned was in fact a white PVC shirt and jacket. Fun fur, not “funny fur” was used and neon colors were not part of the show.

It is clear that Yi did not research his article thoroughly. Yi consistently wrote false facts. As a third year designer involved in the show, I am hurt and offended that Yi could not get it right. A lot of work, time and effort was put into the garments. Yi should have taken the time to speak with some of the designers.

– Nichola Chin, Production 3

While criticism isn’t always easy to accept, people will usually pay it some mind if the critic is knowledgeable. Instead, what Steven Yi offers us are his own opinions, his preconceived ideas and his ignorance of the clothes.

The fact is Yi never bothered to interview any of the show’s designers or producers, so how does he know what attitude “For Play” represents or what the clothes’ designers were trying to “capture and derive”? If he had talked to someone he wouldn’t have been so brazenly wrong on the material some of the clothes were made from. There was, in fact, not one piece of leather in the whole show.

Yi is a superficial journalist with an inflated sense of his own self-importance. His seats-of-the-pants journalism is a real insult to them.

– Gregory Koumi, Computer Science 4

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