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From the Dark Room II: April 5, 1995

To all the bastards who cut pages out of photographic books—or any other books for that matter. You should not be allowed into any field of academic study, for you have no respect for the book.

Much less you should attempt to be an artist, because you have no conscience. You are selfish, dishonest and have absolutely no consideration for others. As far as I’m concerned, everything you produce is nothing but ugly lies. If you think those copies of great works of art that you have stolen have any effect on you, think long and hard again! If they really did, you would have no desire to steal them in the first place. If you think owning them makes you more “cultured” person, Ha! Wrong again. Your actions not only denied everyone else a chance to learn and grow but, worse, you are cheating yourself.

You have no commitment to your art because you don’t even have the decency to pay for the work of an artist you think you admire. If all your previous education has led you to such low standards of moral value, I truly feel sorry for you. How else do you live your life? Do you steal all your books and school supplies? Do you take away food from little kids? Do you rob old ladies? Replace those books or live like a stinking thief for the rest of your stinking life!!!

Blood Seto
Photo Arts 4

Editor’s note: …on the warpath.

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