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Live at The Edge: April 5, 1995

Fans of last term’s blockbuster RSU semi-annual general meeting will be on the edge of their seats in anticipation of next Wednesday’s encore performance taking place in The Edge of all places. All your favorites from first term will be there, hoping to deflect the tough questions, such as one that came from a particularly oddly-hatted individual last term: “You guys are completely ineffective…why don’t you disband yourselves?”

Indeed. That was worth it just for the look on Chairweasel Paul Felstein’s face. And what a face! This AGM will probably be your last chance to see it in action before President-elect Paul Cheevers kicks it and the attached skinny little butt out of the RSU door. In the words of Bugs Bunny, “Bon Voyagee!”

Yeah, and as the year draws to a close and Cheevers prepares to bring the contractors in to gut the RSU offices, it’s time to reflect on the exciting world of the RSU-Men. (The real ones, not the cartoon spin-off destined to be this summer’s box office hit, replete with a McDonald’s merchandising deal.)

And yes it has been an exciting year. With power-mongers scrambling all over each other in frenzied posturing, no less than two RSU employees—the illustrious Mikhail Bornstein and the translucent Ryad Ali—were pulled kicking and screaming through the wringer. But only one was hung out to dry; and Bornstein’s grievance with the RSU over his Christmas Eve firing has come to a naught as yet. Ali, on the other hand, was able to show that just doing his job wasn’t such a crime after all. President D’Angelo was not amused.

In other earth-shattering news, the Campus Centre, née Student Centre c. 1940) has moved from the nether regions of Paul Cheevers cerebral cortex all the way up to the frontal lobe where it has lodged with the tenacity of a wicked head cold. the only hope now, doctors say, is the very risky Campuscentrectomy, the bane of many a former RSU president now appearing around the Queen Street Mental drooling and babbling at passing cars. Sad, really.

Which brings us to one of the few real accomplishments of this year’s exec: the departmental course rankings (formerly known as ICE) based on student surveys. The latest rankings (see Eye page 2), compiled from info from the fall of 1994, show considerable change from the previous results. The long term value of the survey—as it stands—is dubious. But if it gets the administration to look more closely at how the students themselves perceive the value of their Ryerson education, then part of the battle has been won at least.

There’s more, of course. The back room boys and girls have been hectoring away at each other all year for you, the student. And next week’s AGM is your opportunity to see them in their natural habitat, live at The Edge, while gorging yourself on RSU-approved pizza. Enjoy; it’s cheaper than the theatre.

– Dick Snyder

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