By Alexandra Christopoulos
Ryerson Student’s Union and the Continuing Education Students Association at Ryerson (CESAR) are teaming up to purchase menstrual products for women on campus.
Recognizing the impact of the issue, both groups are using their resources to purchase the products for women who need them as part of an ongoing campaign launched by the Women’s Centre. For more than five years, menstrual products haven’t been found in Ryerson’s washrooms because the dispensers are either broken or simply not there.
“From CESAR’s point of view, this is a great way to give back to our membership,” said Jeremy Salter, president of CESAR. These efforts are not permanent, but Salter said he hopes students take the time to e-mail university administration.
Salter also said men should not be afraid to play a role in the issue. “It’s a part of life. Men should be as much involved in this as women are,” Salter said. The Ryerson Women’s Centre has attempted to resolve this issue in the past with few results, but is continuing its plight for dispensers across campus through a campaign that began nearly two weeks ago at the Ryerson Health Fair.
Representatives from the campaign said the message is that the products are a right, not a privilege. Ryerson president Sheldon Levy said the university has been unable to find a vendor to supply the tampons.
“There just seems to be no one willing to re-stock the machines,” he said. First-year science student Tanya Y. (who did not want her last name used), said having tampons available is important. “You don’t always know when your period is coming,” she said.
“It could be today, tomorrow.”
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