Carla Wintersgill
Dear loyal Eyeopener readers,
Lately I’ve found checking my email a drag. The problem is, there’s never anything interesting. All I ever get are indie band press releases, ads for porn sites and Ryerson University Google alerts. Where are the thoughtful, funny and indignant letters?
What will I fill my editorial section with? Aside from the occasional anonymous snarky comments on the website, we don’t get a lot of feedback about our stories. And without feedback, we have no clue what our readers’ likes and dislikes are.
If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in my tenure as editor-in-chief, it’s that there are stories that we think people will like, and stories that people actually like.
So please help us learn the difference between the two. My email address is Tell us what you liked or didn’t like about the issue. I will be so grateful, that I’ll send the first person who writes a letter for publication a snazzy Eyeopener travel coffee mug.
This week’s feature takes a look at tuition fees. Only the most unobservant person would be oblivious to the Drop Fees campaign. Their annual day of action gets thousands of students out to Queen’s Park to protest rising fees.
But a new study by a Canadian university think tank claims that tuition isn’t going up at all. In fact, thanks to various provincial rebates, fees are actually dropping.
For anyone who eats ramen noodles five times a week or has a sizeable student loan debt, this report is a little hard to swallow. And for the student organizers who dedicate themselves to fight rising tuition fees, it seems simply preposterous.
But is it possible that there never was a mythical time when tuition was dirt-cheap? Maybe we’re all just a bunch of whiners.
Carys Mills digs to the bottom of the tuition myth on page 10.
One of my favourite games to play is the lottery game. Basically, I just imagine that I win the jackpot and plan the first things I would do in my fabulous new life.
This week, sports editor Erin Valois asked coaches to play their own version of the lottery game. If the referendum for the new athletic centre passes, Ryerson could be the home to a brand-new state of the art facility. Erin asked the Rams coaches what their very own field of dreams would look like.
Check out page 8 for the coaches’ wish list. Agree? Disagree? Why don’t you write and let me know.
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