Eyeopener Staff
1) What is one thing you want to accomplish in your next five-year term?
You are asking me to look ahead to the years from 2010 to 2015. I wish I had that kind of crystal ball. Since I arrived in 2005, the Ryerson community has shown its enthusiasm for moving ahead at lightning speed. Our new Academic Plan, our Master Plan, graduate studies and research, have all gained such momentum in a few short years. And everything that is part of that, like Sam’s, the Gallery, Gould Street, the highest application rate in the province, double-digit increases in research funding, and the things people do every day to make this a better university — that is swift and remarkable progress.
Over the next five years, I see the Academic Plan leading our aspirations in building our great University. Our research strength will continue to grow. Our ambitions defined by the Master Plan will continue to show results.
2) Could a medical school, teachers’ college or a law school be in Ryerson’s future?
These are programs where the decision is not up to us. Government regulates these programs very tightly. That said, I really like the idea being suggested by Julia Hanigsberg, our general counsel and secretary of the board, and interim dean of the Chang School. Julia believes there is a real need and a student market for a law faculty that would offer flexible, part-time courses for people interested in community law or areas of public service. A faculty like this would probably appeal to a more diverse student body, for example new immigrants, or mature students returning to the workforce, and it could fill a real need.
3) How would you make Ryerson more attractive to student- athletes?
We do not have enough facilities for both intramural and varsity athletics and recreation. Government does not provide funding for athletic facilities. With the athletic referendum coming up in March, we can take a big step forward in building a facility that will be attractive to student-athletes for sure, but also for everyone…
I am also not giving up on the dream that Maple Leaf Gardens can return to Ryerson as a place for our figure skating team, our men’s and women’s hockey teams, and all the skaters and hockey players in our community. It is a dream but one that should come true for not only Ryerson but also our city. This is also about city-building.
4) What is one meal you would like to be able to buy at a Ryerson cafeteria?
One of the best things about living in Toronto is that there is every kind of food. It’s like they say, the world lives here. Given the location of Ryerson, you can eat on campus or there are so many choices downtown.
5) What makes Ryerson a great school? (A) Eggy the mascot (B) Sheldon Levy as President (C) The bulk candy at the Hub (D) The Eyeopener
The Eyeopener, for sure. The answer is that it’s the students who make Ryerson a great school. At Ryerson it is not just about you as an individual taking a program. Our students are real believers in community, everybody is involved in making our programs, teams, and our whole university better…I like Eggy a lot too.
6) Who would win in a brawl? (A) You (B) Adam Kahan (C) Ian Hamilton (D) Linda Grayson
Well, we would never fight with each other. But all my colleagues are winners when they fight for the university.
7) If you could be any type of fruit or vegetable, which would it be? Why?
I hope everybody is eating 3-5 helpings of fruits and vegetables each day, as recommended by the Canada Food Guide. I don’t! (Editor’s note: It’s 7-10 servings. Watch out for scurvy!)
8) What historic empire would you relate Ryerson to? (A) Rome (B) Atlantis (C) The Soviet Union (D) The New York Yankees
There is something in each one that relates to Ryerson. Rome was one of the great civilizations and, of course, wasn’t built in a day. Atlantis is a reason to believe in your dreams. The Soviet Union recognizes the possibility of great transformation. And the Yankees have a history of success, and it’s a name that everybody knows. Whoever picked these choices is very insightful.
9) What is your favourite part of Ryerson?
It’s the students. It really is the first thing that comes to mind always.
10) Have you ever ridden your bike to campus?
…If you mean “my bike” as in motorcycle, then I take my scooter to work during the summer months.
11) Are you tired of the RSU drama?
The student union plays a really important role, not only at Ryerson but every university. And it is a tough job, with professional expectations… There are times when it doesn’t go perfectly, but in all my years in administration, it has always been true that students take on these positions with great intentions and the very best interests of their fellow students at heart.
12) Why is Ryerson better than U of T? The students. It’s my number one answer for why Ryerson is the very best university, and such a wonderful place to be.
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