By Julianna Cummins
News Editor
The price tag of the university-funded audit of the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) may be at least $85,000, according to RSU President Muhammad Ali Jabbar.
The audit, being conducted by Deloitte and Touche, is to review the election procedures of the RSU and the members’ health and dental plan. On Feb. 6, Deloitte gave initial recommendations regarding election procedures to the RSU.
“We provided recommendations specifically on polling and ballot procedures on Friday,” said Michael Parent of Deloitte, who is dealing with the election portion of the audit.
Jabbar said that the initial recommendations given by Deloitte were for procedures that were already in place.
“Every single thing they have talked about is already in place, so that’s a big waste of money,” said Jabbar. He also said that the $85,000 is just the base cost, and does not take into account out-of-pocket expenses such as covering hotel costs for Deloittee employees while the audit is conducted.
Osman Hamid, student group director and a member of the audit committee, said the documents he saw earlier regarding the audit showed a much lower cost.
“From the numbers I saw, it was closer to $25,000,” said Hamid.
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