Not only are students paying more for tuition, some administrative charges are up by as much as 33 per cent. The charge increases proposed by the registrar’s office were approved by the Board of Governors this spring and took effect this fall. The fees for applying to Ryerson, fee receipts and special letters increased, some jumping by as much $15. “We’re trying to balance a variety of service objectives,” said registrar, Keith Alnwick. “We’re seeing a dramatic increase in demand for this kind of service,” he said of Ryerson’s increased applications. He pointed out that Ryerson received over 68,000 applicants for undergraduate spots at Ryerson this fall, second in Ontario only to the University of Toronto. While Liana Salvador, vice president education of the Ryerson Students’ Union was unaware of the fee increases, she’s not surprised. “We know that government under funding is a serious problem, especially in Ontario,” she said. Amongst the rising fees, Alnwick has one piece of good news. “We have not changed the transcript fee in quite some time… and we’re not going to,” he said.
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