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Ram wasn’t serving, not even rye

By Amit Shilton

It was a game that captivated the nation.

Over 80 per cent of Canadians tuned in on Sunday to watch Canada’s gold medal hockey victory over the U.S. And when it was over, thousands flooded from Toronto’s homes, pubs and bars into the streets in a celebration that was so rowdy, it was the most un-Canadian thing of the day (in a good way).

But the Ram in the Rye, traditionally the heart of all that is rowdy and chaotic on campus (in a good way), had its chairs up and lights off. It wasn’t for a lack of students with an interest in watching the game. It was just, well, closed.

This isn’t to harp on the Ram or its fine and upstanding staff. Even after four years, it’s still an excellent campus bar. But there’s no reason any student or alumni should ever have to turn to Mounties, a place where the dead clearly still go for a drink.

Having the Ram closed on Olympic Sunday was not only an inconvenience, it was a missed opportunity. The Ram could have been part of the folklore for students remembering where they were for the game. It also could have been where students sunk a good chunk of change on booze and food. Yeah, nobody knew Canada was going to be in the final until late in the week, but if you can bet on people showing up to watch the Superbowl, you better be sure they’ll watch the Olympic final of our national game.

That flat brew at Mounties will stay with me, along with this game, forever.

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