By Nicole Siena
The transition into university is inevitably stressful. The last thing a student wants to hear halfway through a semester is that they are in jeopardy of getting kicked out of their program. Here are some tips on how to avoid hearing that message.
Keep a clear academic standing
To be in clear academic standing you must maintain a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 (C grade).
Follow the rules
There are some exceptions within specific programs. Competitive programs often include variations such as passing a specific course, a regular evaluation or achieving a satisfactory grade ( ‘C’ or higher). Check out the 2010-2011 Ryerson Undergraduate Calendar for program-specific details.
Get Over It!
Nerves are a common problem for many students. According to the website for Ryerson’s Centre for Student Development and Counselling (CSDS), “anxiety arises from not feeling in control.” Knowing your material helps, “this requires adequate advance study to master the important concepts and less cramming,” the website also notes. By passing all of your tests and assignments, you are almost guaranteeing yourself a passing GPA.
Avoid burn out!
Early morning coffees, and late night study sessions aren’t exactly the best things for students. The best way to handle the situation is to get a hold of it before it becomes problematic. You should be getting enough sleep, exercising, eating three balanced meals a day, and even, for us coffee crazed students, switching to decaf to help improve your focus. We already have short enough attention spans, so make sure you aren’t running on empty.
Don’t make stupid mistakes
Plagiarizing, cheating, and other academic misconducts are taken seriously in educational institutions. According to Ryerson’s website for Academic Integrity, possible penalties include, a requirement to participate in the Academic Integrity Seminar, a grade of “F” in a course, expulsion, or even losing your degree. So don’t cheat, and make sure you use resources properly. That means not using the ‘copy’ or ‘paste’ buttons.
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