Film, photography and new media students filled the Ram in the Rye last Friday for the the Image Arts Course Union’s (IMA) first karaoke pub night. For those of you who missed it, here are some photos to make you regret staying home to watch The Office re-runs. If these show the IMA’s first pub night, I can only imagine how their future ones will turn out.
Photos by Jordan Campbell
Allyssia Alleyne is the Eyeopener’s foxy, intelligent Communities Editor. Find her on Twitter @AllyssiaAlleyne or @TheEyeopener if you want your event covered or want to chat about your Ryerson community.
Seriously, do it.
This was actually our second pub night! But it was our first pub night of the year. 🙂
That’s what I meant haha. Let me know if the IMA is plotting any more fun schemes/parties 🙂
nice. wish i was drunk w/ u guys.
I want to congratulate on the photos from Jordan Campbell! I know he’s a first year also from IMA. An IMA photographer recording IMA’s party – the perfect blend.
Coincidence? I think not!
This was a Sick Dick night! I had a great time, who can i email to get the pics?