Fun editor Kats Quinto brings back five fun facts from the dusty undead archives
1. Major Howard Kerr seemed like an asshole on the outside, but he attended school dances and visited sick faculties in the hospital. He even invited students without Christmas plans to his home. Just don’t let him catch you violating the dress code (neck tie and shirt) because he will seriously tell you to go home.
2. In the 50s, the Miss Ryerson contest feature male students in drag because very few women attended the school.
3. Walter Pitman taught a history course during his appointment as the fourth Ryerson president. Maybe he did it to qualify for the Arts Division ball hockey tournament, which he was a part of.
4. Smoke breaks did not exist in the late 60s and 70s because smoking in class was allowed by both students and profs.
5. Ryerson once enjoyed an intense school spirit. The Blue and Gold Ball was all the rage, Chariot races were an exciting annual event and despite having nowhere to practise on campus, sports were heavily supported —especially football. The area was kinda shady, but it provided low-cost housing. The redevelopment in the 60s began the commuter school era.
Photos from “Serving society’s needs” by Ronald Stagg
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