I suspect that refusing to make a resolution is the most popular resolution of all.
The usual thoughts are that resolutions are useless, half-hearted promises to yourself that are undoubtedly destined to be broken by Jan. 2. Many think that resolution makers are merely jumping on the New Year’s bandwagon and if they really wanted to improve themselves in some way, they could do it anytime of the year.
I certainly thought that way and deep down I probably still do. Yet this year on Jan. 1 I pulled out a fresh notebook and made a list of 10 resolutions. My resolution this year is to give resolutions a try.
Some of my resolutions are admittedly more achievable (yoga a few times per week) than others (travel to three new places) but all are within the realm of possibility. You can’t change or improve yourself unless you actually challenge yourself to do so.
We make little resolutions all the time. “I will drink less before exams” or “I will get a higher GPA this semester” are both promises we make to ourselves without the fancy New Year’s title attachment. Jan. 1 just offers a convenient start date.
And yes, they might fail, but I still feel like one week of going to the gym or eating healthy is better than ignoring your health all year.
It’s not too late to start resolving, so if you’re a first-timer like me the Eyeopener has some helpful tips to get your resolutions going this year.
Meanwhile, our communities section tells you how to achieve common resolutions without even stepping foot off campus. Making your resolutions convenient seems like a good place to start if you’re going to follow them through.
If fitness is your goal, stop by the sports section for tips from an actual trainer on how to get your ass (also legs, tummy, arms…) in shape this year.
Like having gadgets guide your way? Check out our biz and tech sections’s advice on how technology can make your life better in 2012.
Still want to be a resolution scrooge? Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten you. Enter our SuDoKu contest in the fun section where you can win $50 to spend on all the indulgences you want.
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